Sound & Vison: exploring the role of audio and visual technologies in the history of education, April 22 and 23, 2021
You are kindly invited to the upcoming conference Sound and Vision: exploring the role of audio and visual technologies in the history of education, which will take place online on April 22 and 23, 2021.
During this conference, scholars from various theoretical backgrounds will address how the study of audio, visual and audiovisual media use in the classroom and the discourses surrounding them can contribute to our understanding of the history of education. They will present papers on a wide range of issues that offer insight into the introduction of these new technologies into the school, the construction of the multimodal classroom and the debates surrounding these media technologies. Moreover, by taking into account the entire network of pedagogues and reform-driven policymakers, media marketers and producers, school boards and teachers, the press, educational ideas and day-to-day classroom realities, the conference aims to shed light on the entangled nature of educational reform through the implementation of new media technology and on the power relations and ideologies at play.
The conference will start at 13h30 (1:30 pm). Please note that the scheduled times are indicated in Central European Time (CET).
We are very excited that Katie Day Good (University of Miami, USA) will close the first conference day with a keynote lecture ‘Sight-seeing in school’. How A-V technologies brought the world into 20th century U.S. classrooms’.
You can find the final conference program here. This conference will be open to anyone interested. However, to keep things practical, we do ask a confirmation of attendance before April 20, 2021 via