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  • Notice: Array to string conversion in bvng_publicatie_header_view() (regel 797 van /home/spinternet.be/users/contemporanea/public_html/sites/all/modules/custom/akapivo/bvng/bvng.module).
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Journal of Belgian History 46:2 (2016)



  • Bram Dierckx & Josephine Hoegaerts, Exercising Neutrality. The Practice of Manoeuvres in the Belgian Army before the Great War
  • Joris Vandendriessche, Ophtalmia Crossing Borders. Belgian Army Doctors between the Military and Civilian Society, 1830-1860
  • Christophe Bêchet, Les perceurs de Sedan. Violation de frontière et réactions belges pendant la guerre de 1870-1871
  • Nel De Mûelenaere, De creatie van de Belgische burger-soldaat. Educatie, discipline en emoties (1886-1909)
  • Michael Auwers, Expansion vs. Neutrality. How Belgian diplomats dealt with the ‘Military Question’, 1895-1914


  • Bruno Colson, L’histoire des opérations militaires et des combats
  • Wim Klinkert, Late bloei. Nederlandse militaire geschiedenis over de Grote Oorlog en haar voorgeschiedenis in academia
  • Tuomas Tepora, Emotional war? Communicating the cultural histories of war to a wider audience