Call for Papers: Activists in Exile. Gender, Political Commitment and Migration in the Twentieth Century

Symposium organised in collaboration with the Forum for Belgian research on history of women, gender and sexuality (AVG-CARHIF) and the BRAIN project (Belspo) WomenExile: Gendering political exile in Belgium (1918-1958)

The (BRAIN/Belspo) WomenExile project team is delighted to announce the call for papers for the conference “Activists in Exile. Gender, Political Commitment and Migration in the Twentieth Century” to be held at the National Archives of Belgium on September 24, 2024, in collaboration with the Belgian Forum for the History of Women, Gender and Sexualities (AVG-Carhif).

The aim of the symposium is to highlight recent developments in research on migrant activists, exploring the interactions between gender, political commitment and migration in the twentieth century. Proposals may focus on women’s engagement, masculinities or gender relations in militant contexts.

Proposals must be sent by April 5, 2024 (Extended deadline) to You’ll find the full argument and practical information in the attached document.

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