Call for papers
Call for Abstracts: The Past and Present of Humanities Peer Review
Soumis par nelleke le jeu, 12/14/2023 - 09:54Abstract submission deadline: 15 March 2024
Peer review, i.e. the institutionalized evaluation of scholars and their outputs by others working in the same field, is fundamental to knowledge production and research evaluation in the present-day humanities.
Grant for activities for PhD's and postdocs in 2024
Soumis par nelleke le jeu, 11/23/2023 - 16:30Grant for activities for PhD’s and postdocs in 2024
In het kader van het OJO-Besluit (Omkadering Jonge Onderzoekers) stelt de Vlaamse regering financiering ter beschikking van de Vlaamse universiteiten voor het organiseren van activiteiten m.b.t. de training en loopbaanontwikkeling van jonge onderzoekers, met name doctorandi en postdocs.
CFP : Young Researchers Days in Logic, History, and Philosophy of Science VIII
Soumis par nelleke le mer, 09/20/2023 - 09:52Young Researchers Days in Logic, History, and Philosophy of Science VIII
When and where:
*23 and 24 November 2023
*Salle Prigogine, The Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium, 1 Hertogstraat/rue Ducale, B-1000 Brussels
Call for papers jaarcongres De Moderne Tijd 2024
Soumis par nelleke le mer, 08/16/2023 - 11:50Call for papers jaarcongres De Moderne Tijd 2024 : Water: beleving, beheer, beeldvorming in de lange negentiende eeuw
CFP : Police Intelligence, from Local to Global. From 1750 to the Present Day
Soumis par nelleke le mar, 05/16/2023 - 09:02Police Intelligence, from Local to Global. From 1750 to the Present Day
Police and intelligence are two concepts that are intimately and invariably linked. In the emerging field of History of Intelligence, the specific policing aspect of intelligence generally only appears as an aside to its military, diplomatic or economic functions.