
Profil chercheur Fondation de la Mémoire Contemporaine

La Fondation de la Mémoire Contemporaine (FMC), fondation d’utilité publique, a pour objet d’étudier l’histoire contemporaine des Juifs et du judaïsme en Belgique. Elle est partenaire privilégiée du Centre interdisciplinaire d’Étude des Religions et de la Laïcité (CIERL) de l’Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB).

Colloquium “When Doctors Travel Overseas. Colonial Medicine and the Low Countries”, 5 April at the Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren.

You are kindly invited to the colloquium “When Doctors Travel Overseas. Colonial Medicine and the Low Countries” that takes place on the 5th of April at the Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren.

Research event 20 February 2019: The Magic Lantern in the Belgian History of Education and Spiritual Instruction

Long before social media, cinema and PowerPoint presentations, images were already an important means of communication. The magic lantern, or ‘laterna magica’, was a fascinating and instructive tool, which became especially popular in the 19th and early 20th century. The invention was used to project transparent images onto glass slides on the walls of theatres, schools and people’s homes.

Identity, Citizenship and Legal History - XXVth Annual Forum of Young Legal Historians. Brussels, 5-8 June 2019

Historically, the concept of citizenship encompassed three distinct, yet interconnected dimensions. The first and foremost dimension was of a legal nature: citizenship was a legal status which allowed one to act freely in accordance with the law and, when necessary, to claim its protection.

Appel à contribution Résistances contre le nazisme, maquisards et partisans sur le front occidental et soviétique 1939-1945

Appel à contribution Résistances contre le nazisme, maquisards et partisans sur le front occidental et soviétique 1939-1945
Le colloque est organisé les 25 et 26 avril 2019 par le Centre culturel et scientifique de Russie au Luxembourg sous les auspices de l’Ambassade de Russie au Luxembourg